Cooper Union Open Source Mechanical Tester

The Cooper Union Open Source Mechanical Tester is used to measure position and load on a sample undergoing standard tests. It is designed with the testing of tissue properties in mind, but can be customized for other uses. Check out the tests page for video and sample test results.

A formal description of the project


The build cost of the tester is roughly $5,000, mainly in sensor costs. Building the tester requires a lathe but no mill, but some ingenuity in redesinging parts around availible equipment may get around this requirement. See the build page for more details and parts.

Previous Build page:

Open Source Mechanical Tissue Tester

Image Gallery



The software is written in python. You need to have installed NIDaq MX to use the software. To run the software open mechtest.exe in the folder. There is a known bug in that sometimes the software wont close, even if you click the “x”. You need to close the software by killing the process in task manager.

This Software is outdated. Contact me if you need the latest build

To build it from source these libraries need to be installed.

Source Release V0.1


Directions for Running a Test

Help and descriptions for tests

Calibrating the LVDT