Met with Prof. Lima to discuss about current objectives.
With the help of Prof. Lima and machine shop technician, we built five cylindrical chambers with input filter holder and output quick-release insert valve.
We setup the pump system (All tubing and valve manifolds)
All parts seemed to fit perfectly.
Automatic arduino control system did not function properly - and on top of it, we fried an arduino chip (Oops)
Re-uploaded arduino code to the spare arduino.
Re-examined the control system to prevent any further damage.
We concluded that 2 Amps from the power supply may be the problem, so we decided to use different power supply (24V 0.5A)
Wired up automatic arduino control system and solenoid valves.
Confirmed that the system functions properly with the new arduino chip.
Tested solenoid valve functions.
Automatic pump operation did not work - we need to find a new relay or use transistors for 24V relay that we currently have.
We found out that we need to modify our code since we are using different pump now.
We wrote an arduino code for stepper motor control (make a complete turn forward and backward)
Uploaded the code and wired up the system.
Since our motors use 24V, we need to connect an external power to the motor shield.
Confirmed that the motor works.
Be very careful about wire configuration - wires must be connected in right order
Air pressure within the chamber often caused back-flow of liquid
Therefore we needed to have a sterile air inlet / outlet
Machined the cylindrical chamber rids to install an air filter
Installed a socket for 0.2 Micrometer in-line filter
Back-flow of liquid is minimized, but pump's flow rate must be reduced to 5
Modified the arduino code (Made each filling phase longer [55 seconds each])
When evacuating liquid, one chamber is always left behind due to uneven rate of evacuation through the valve manifold
Liquid in the last chamber does not evacuate completely due to excess air supply through other three chambers
The set up functions well with four chambers at most
Decided to use only four chambers
Confirmed that the relays function properly to operate pumps
Valve control #3 of the original board was broken
Needed to make a new board
Conducted final testing of the pump system.
Decided to use bigger air filters to let more air in to prevent back flow.
Everything works well, done with the pump system !
Link here- picture of wrapped and packed stuff.
*Link to instruction manual pdf**