
Weekly meeting with mentors. Considered additional goals: make the game more 
interactive; scout local stores for plastic, namely Canal Plastics. 


Cut an acrylic gear on the laser cutter. Acquired gumballs.


Compared initial machine design sketches. 
Decided on gameplay: player will start the game; machine will indicate gumball color. 
Player uses control panel to move claw and pick up a gumball, then drop it onto a 
sensing platform. If wrong color, platform dumps gumball back into well. If right 
color, platform dumps gumball into play and machine begins working.

Researched existing gumball and marble machines. Discovered possible new sub-components 
for machine. Began to figure out machine proportions and layout.


Made executive decision to disregard poll data due to invasive third party candidate. 


Set up Facebook poll to decide between 3D Snake and Gumball Machine.
start/classes/principlesofdesign/arduinogames/gumball_february.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/06 17:07 by jsong2
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