01/31/11 - Meeting @ 3:00 pm with Sophie Rand.
Introduction of project and other areas that needed more thought and improvement
Discussed possible games that could be used for trampoline jumping
Discussed the basic setup of the trampoline and Sophie showed the group a flow chart describing the sequence of jumping actions
Plan to brainstorm game ideas and research different types of sensors for next meeting -SR
02/03/11 - Meeting 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm with Sophie Rand.
Since our last meeting, Uyen found a simon game for arduino
Sophie assembled the arduino and it seems to be working
Ordered sensors which Denitza and Mike found
We ordered a distance sensor and materials to assemble a touch sensor -SR
Denitza, Mike and Janet researched stepper motors
Created the a flowchart for a disc burnisher - a device which uses a stepper motor
02/14/11 - Meeting With Sophie Rand 3-4, 5-6
We received the materials which we ordered during the last meeting
Sophie explained the soldering process
Janet and Mike soldered wires to both distance sensors
We plan on meeting tomorrow to continue work with the sensors.
4-8 in dorms (Uyen)
started brainstorming game ideas
started working with pressure sensors
started working with LEDs and breadboard
started tinkering with Arduino, trying to figure stuff out
created program for pressure sensor and divided the input into steps, with each step corresponding to a different LED color
concept can be applied to soft, medium, and hard jumps on the trampoline, and if two are set up, the players can attempt to jump with equal efforts exerted
12:00-4:30pm in M.E. Materials Lab with Sophie
designed and made a few prototypes of small touch sensor
tested prototypes with voltmeter and LEDs
started making larger versions of prototypes that worked best
3-6 in dorms because NAB was closed
Uyen modified arduino programs and constructed circuit for Simon game
worked on midterm presentation
10am - 1pm Denitza and Uyen figure out steps for stepper motor
program arduino to use motor control shield to move stepper motor in designated direction
connect motor to ports designated on motor control shield and test code
Meeting with Professor Lima from 3-4pm
Brainstormed solutions to existing problems
Brainstormed new ideas utilizing our existing work
Michael and Janet prepared presentation for Tuesday 04/19/11
Meeting 3:00 to 3:30pm with Nick Wong. (Denitza, Janet, Mike)
Mike took notes!
XBee wireless receptor as possibility for having standalone pad with sensor and LEDs
Now time to do research and make quick decisions - project due soon!
Meeting with Professor Lima (Janet, Mike, Denitza)
Discuss plans to make pressure sensors wireless
Planned requirements for final presentation
Have everything but the wireless ready
Janet and Mike design box in Solidworks for 3D printer (7-9:00)
Box is meant to protect breadboard when pressure sensors are punched or kicked
Sent files to Professor Lima for printing