End of the Year Show Related Material-iGEM Competition Group

Group Members

Yuta Makita
Eric Ramos
Anthony Simonetti
Stanley George

Group Mentors

Alison Acevedo
Dionne Lutz


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Refined Introduction Statement

Gel electrophoresis is a process by which proteins (DNA) are separated by charge and molecular size. This a standard procedure used very commonly in labs. Due to the unavailability and cost of conventional gel electrophoresis chambers, we opted to design our own model to aid in our project. We did not aim to simply replicate a gel electrophoresis chamber, but we made modifications to improve the efficiency of the process. One important alteration from the previous design was our decision to make a vertical model. This was done to aid in the separation of the proteins we are working with. Currently, we have a working prototype we are evaluating for future improvements. One improvement that can be made is optimizing the amount of time necessary to complete the separation.

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