Speedy Capper D3

This is the third speedy capper design, and the final design for this semester. The modifications made from Speedy Capper D2 are slight, but important. During prototyping we noticed it was easier to uncap when there was something to stop the cap from traveling all the way up the tube. Additionally, this model has a small notch to help trap the corner of a cap. Lastly, this model is also slightly wider than D2 because we noticed that when the diameter was too close to the cap width you had a high chance of missing the cap and the cap would flip off due to a torque at one end rather than wedge itself in the tube. This design is to be CNC'd.







start/classes/principlesofdesign/scd3.txt · Last modified: 2013/05/07 22:39 by jviola
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