Broke up team into 3 sub-groups to increase efficiency: Aesthetics, Parts & Mechanisms, and Housing Box Teams
Discussed plans for next 3 weeks (it's crunchtime! )
April 17, 2012
Received music player, shafts, and gears in the mail.
Did not receive the worm gears yet, and will decide on whether it is worth spending the money on them or not.
April 19, 2012
Bought plywood pieces to use for building the box.
Finished SolidWorks model of box, and sent it to the laser cutter to be properly assembled.
Metal shafts were cut into their proper lengths for integration into the music box.
Met to discuss final plans and schedule for assembling the entire box.
April 23, 2012
Began intensive work for the final project; assembled the entire wooden box, shafts, some gears, and added “grass” to the scenery.
April 24, 2012
Converted some parts of the Foundation Building in SolidWorks to AutoCAD and laser-cut them (on plywood of course).
April 25, 2012
Laser-cut the front design of the Foundation Building and redid the cam on 1/8” acrylic as opposed to 1/4”.
April 26, 2012
Worked on the aesthetics of the Foundation Building.
Currently trying to figure out how to adjust parts which do not line up with what was expected on the music box, since the music box had a slight offset causing problems with getting all of our parts to work together.
Deadline got extended to May 4th!!!
labinfo/people/students2011/team_symbl/april_minutes.txt · Last modified: 2012/04/27 00:24 by dmoreno