Simple Color Sensor Code

Uses .h file, so the code is much simpler since things are already defined

#include <ADJDS311.h>
#include <Wire.h>

int sensorLed_pin = 2; //LED on the ADJDS-311
ADJDS311 colorSensor(sensorLed_pin);

//if using an RGB LED (Needs PWM Pins)
int redPin = 3;
int greenPin = 5;
int bluePin = 6;

void setup(){
 colorSensor.init();  // initiates LED
 colorSensor.ledOn(); //turn LED of the color sensor on
 //Calibrate white 
 //Need to hold white card in front (1-3mm) of it to calibrate from

void loop(){
 RGBC color =; //read the color
 Serial.print(" | ");
 Serial.print(" | ");
 Serial.print(" | ");
 lightLED(color); //send color to the LED
 delay(200); //just here to slow down the serial output

void lightLED(RGBC color){
 //RGBC is an array of red/green/blue/clear readings 
 //Take a RGBC, and try to reproduce it on an RGB LED
 //This does not work very well as is because of how colors/our eyes work
 analogWrite(redPin, map(, 0, 1024, 0, 255));
 analogWrite(greenPin, map(, 0, 1024, 0, 255));
 analogWrite(bluePin, map(, 0, 1024, 0, 255));