====Invention ==== Moshe Hamaoui and Donny Kanner === Project Statement==== Mission: To create an impact sensitive sports device that makes athletics training and gaming more fun and effective Vision: In the next year we will create a functional prototype of a consumer impact sensitive sports device that is validated by our user design panel === Force Sensing Options ==== [[http://solderslingers.com/cart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16&products_id=291|Conductive Foam]] - Do it yourself Force Sensors [[http://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Force-Sensitive-Resistor-FSR/|{{:start:classes:seniorproject:donmo:fcsqq2ofi8vjqh2.large.jpg|}}]] ==== sketches and ideas ==== ==== research of existing technology ==== [[start:classes:seniorproject|Back to Current Senior Projects]]