Refer to Speaker and Asker PROBLEMS: * make sure you are not exposing Asker's phone number to all audience members * deaf audience members * the app must work for every kind of space (indoor, outdoor) POSSIBLE FEATURES: * Autocorrect grammatical errors * Time limit for speakers * Incorporate clicker for slides within the app since the speaker will be holding his phone throughout the event anyway * Question limit / question rate limit for each audience member (make sure program on speaker's phone doesn't freeze / overload) * Speech to text for deaf audience members * Automatically turn off ringer/vibrations in the Asker's phone when you enter the app * Replace the radio and clip-on microphone speaker that the Speaker already wears * live stream through your phone like on Youtube (send audio through browser) * server running to store information POSSIBLE DIFFERENT MODES: * QUESTIONS: * what are the different kinds of events that use Q&A often? * What are the different venues where this might be used? * how can we connect all of the devices if there is no wifi? * Should there be photos of each person who asks a question? Will that encourage stereotyping? * What should we do for non-smart phone users? * What if there is no computer at the podium/stage? * How will what we make change audience behavior? i.e. Shy people will be more likely to ask questions if it is text based, * Is texting your question to the speaker in the middle of the event annoying? Or is it convenient so that you don't forget your question? * Where should notices of new questions to speaker show up? * How can we avoid creating accounts or use pre-existing accounts? QR code at the door? * What does "joining a room" mean? (the technology) TO RESEARCH: * video conferencing * live lectures and seminar hosted online TO DO: * make flow diagrams * start programming / watching Java tutorials * make Gantt chart * set goals