====== Principles of Design 2012 ======
{{ :start:classes:soldering.jpg?300 |}}
===== 2012 Design Groups =====
**Please note the Naming convention for files uploaded to this wiki: //mylastname-groupname-filename.xxx//**
[[start:classes:principlesofdesign:PumpkinChunkin:start|Pumpkin Chunkin Competition]]
[[start:classes:principlesofdesign:iGEM:start|iGEM competition]]
[[start:classes:principlesofdesign:ArduinoGames:start|Arduino Games]]
[[start:classes:principlesofdesign:Giving_Tree:start|Giving Tree 2012]]
[[start:classes:principlesofdesign:allograftpreservation_2012:start|Allograft Preservation 2012]]
[[start:classes:principlesofdesign:speedycapper_2012:start|Speedy Capper 2012]]
[[start:classes:principlesofdesign:IR_WaterMark:start|IR Water Mark]]
[[start:classes:principlesofdesign:Flow_Visualization:start|Flow Visualization 2012]]
===== How to make a Schedule Between Multiple Group Members Quickly =====
[[start:classes:principlesofdesign:class_schedule:start|Quick Schedule]]
===== HomeWork:=====
**Due Friday Feb 3rd, 2012:**
- Upload a picture of each member of your team and link it to your personal pages
- Upload scans of your individual sketches to your personal page
- Establish a meeting schedule and a minutes page
- Meet as a group and create 6 pin-up drawings for presentation on Friday
**Due Friday Feb 24th, 2012:**
- Revise Problem Statements to more concisely lay out the what and why and your strategy to solving the problem.
- Upload your introductory videos or link to video-sharing site.
**Due Friday March 2nd, 2012:**
- Upload a picture of your Rhino Ducks to your personal page.
- Upload a picture of your Rhino Racecar to your personal page.
- Consider creative presentation of this assignment (animated gif, tiny video, story board)
**Due Friday March 9nd, 2012:**
- Mid-term Presentations - 5 minutes long, include something that you have learned that is unique to your group project.
**Due Friday March 23rd, 2012:**
- Upload a picture of your SolidWorks Camaro (up to page 31 in the guide).
- Upload House of Quality Analysis for bed lifter:
* Full sized bed (54 x 75 inches or 137 x 190 cm)
* 7' clearance when lifted
* Safe to 1000 lbs
* Small footprint (needs to fit in small apartment)
* Optional: Drop-out table when bed is lifted
* Optional: System to remove 4th post from the middle of the room (i.e. 3 posts that anchor to both the floor and ceiling, anchors to the wall, etc)
**Due Friday March 30th, 2012:**
- Upload fully-mated and operating CAD assembly.
- Upload animation of operation.
- Upload full Bill Of Materials (BOM) with supplier contact address and costs.
**Due Friday April 13th, 2012:**
- Acquire stepper motor and determine wire configuration.
- Solder MotorShield board for Arduino.
- Video of your motor stepping 360 degrees in one direction and 360 degrees in reverse
- 2 page explanation of major components of system (i.e what are they and why are they necessary - arduino, stepper motor, powersupply, motorshield, code)
**Due Friday April 20th, 2012:**
- Drawbot competition - which group can sketch a mystery shape the quickest
- There will be 3 different pre-determined shapes.
- You will be told which shape you will sketch a few minutes before the competition.
- Your DrawBot must sketch the shape on a template I hand out without going over the borders of the template.