====== Jenny Jung ME'16 ====== {{:start:classes:principlesofdesign:screen_shot_2013-03-05_at_10.24.32_pm.png|}} ===== EID 101 ===== === Hit N' Fit === {{:start:classes:principlesofdesign:704071_10152374029710495_750480664_o.jpg?500x700}} (Fall 2012) Professor Wootton A fun treadmill and punching system that promotes both upper body and lower body exercise. How it works: As you jog, you hit whichever pad lights up (LEDs at top). The speaker will produce a sound if hit properly and on time. Score will increase. [[start:classes:principlesofdesign:foldingbike:start:HitNFit|More on the Hit N' Fit]] ===== EID 103 ===== Go to [[start:classes:principlesofdesign:foldingbike:start:bike_frame|Bike Frame]] to see other projects! [[start:classes:principlesofdesign:foldingbike:start:other|Other Assignments]]